Wednesday, March 25, 2009

March 24, 2009--"Spring Awakenings"

I just love the DNA lab at Llanview Hospital. It's so secure and organized. They never leave HUNDREDS of personal medical files lying about in piles on the main info desk there. Seriously, why is it that every time someone walks into the DNA lab, it's the same lab guy working and he willingly walks away to check on things leaving the computer and the files there for anyone to look at. Most of the time when you go to a real lab or doctor's office the staff is behind a glassed closed in partition/office. It's just ridiculous to think that someone's personal files are there for anyone to see. Very non-realistic--I hate that. Speaking of non realism (is that a word?), I don't like it when the actors seem like they live in a bubble--there's never any mention of real life events or daily activities. Except when ABC is promoting the Oscars--then Rex will have a viewing party or something. That's helpful.

So what happened on today's show? (check the daily recaps btw in my links!), Stacy tried to blackmail Gigi into giving up Rex for Shane's bone marrow. Evil person. What I don't get is why doesn't Gigi just say," Sure--I will do that in a heartbeat to save my son". She then should tell Rex what happened and pretend to give him up. If Rex is in on it it would be better dontcha think?? After Shane gets better they go back to how they were and leave the evil Stacy out in the cold.

It was great to see Vicki back. I really REALLY hope those rumors of her leaving are false. Vicki is One Life to Live!!

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