Thursday, March 26, 2009

March 25, 2009--"Do the Right Thing"

Photo copyright by ABC Daytime/DONNA SVENNEVIK, 2009

Do you think Jamie really drew that picture she gave Antonio?? Every time I see kids draw pictures on shows, it never looks like a child drew it and then all I can imagine is some intern at a network being assigned the job of drawing a picture as a child would. I don't know--pretty random thought anyway.
Antonio, Antonio...I can't believe he's leaving. I know Kamar feels there really isn't a story for him right now and sad to say--I agree. I wish they would stop introducing new characters and make better use of the ones there who have so much history. Remember when Antonio was in a gang?? Those were riveting stories. As a cop--he just never seemed to fit that role. FBI work? --maybe.

I realize now that Austin Williams who plays Shane didn't really shave his hair for the role. I wasn't sure at first because it did look so real when Rex (John Paul) did. As I saw today--the cap he wore on his head to make it look like he was bald moved when he moved his face. I could still be wrong though.

Who wants to see BO and Nora together once and for all?? I do, I do!!! Clint just seems so out of place here, like a 3rd wheel.

I like Destiny and think it will be fun to see what her relationship with Matthew will go. Whether they "date" or remain friends--I think she will help Matthew go through his ordeal of not walking again.

My burning question though is where the heck is Dr. Larry? Remember him?? Is Michael the only doctor there at the hospital? Please. In any event, Blair woke up which was great ( and quick as usual in soap opera land). There should have been some reference though to Kelly, Cassie and Adriana--aren't they all family?? Someone should have called them and some name dropping would have helped.

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