Saturday, April 18, 2009

Thursday, April 16, 2009--"Renouncing Satan...or Not"

Tea needs to get out more--meet some non psycho men and have a normal relationship. Why is she pining away for Todd?

That whole finding the KAD killer's knife happened very fast didn't it? All of a sudden they had it bagged with a quick summary of how they got it. Under the floorboards?? Really? That's all you got? Why is John a special consultant? They don't have enough cops to do the work?

Where o where is Andrew for Chloe's baptism?? Bring him back for these scenes!!
More loud conversation in a cemetery when people are talking to those that are buried. They always seem startled and say "Oh did you hear me?" Well--gee you are talking out loud to no one so yup-- I guess people walking by would hear what you said.

Natalie seems to have done such a big turnaround that I really don't buy it. Jared doesn't have any storyline anymore besides being Natalies' sidekick and telling her what she wants to hear.

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