Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Wednesday, April 22, 2009--"Ungentle Love"

Who else is sick of Todd fighting to get his kids back?? How many years has this been going on? It's just so old and he doesn't even care about them, they are only property to him.

Now that poor Talia is gone, does that mean her father, Carlo Hesser, will make another appearance? Why was Layla so upset at the message she left for Talia? It's not like Talia ever heard what she said as she was already murdered by that point. I can see how the writers keep pushing Christian and Layla together and I just don't buy you?

Yay!! R.J. is back!! Which reminded me--where did Hank go to?

So crazy Lola ratted out Cole--no surprise there. Why is she still living at Dorian's? How many people are there now?

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