I get so confused when soaps take liberty with the space-time continuum. Tell me how Dorian's wedding which was Oct. 29 (according to the invitation we saw) was on the same day as the Halloween party, the same day as Hope's Birthday, the same day as election day, the same day as Dorian supposedly wanting to have catered a victory dinner but she knew that Hope's B-day party was then too?? I hate it when stuff like that happens. I'm not dumb, I can follow time, and it just appears as if all this was occuring on the same day.
I'm bored with the whole gay agenda OLTL is pushing lately. It just isn't believavble for me to assume that Dorian was marry someone just for a mayoral race.
I love how Friday's episode ended with the scary movie feel with Jessica running into what presumabley will be Nash's skeleton in the greenhouse. How very Psycho!
I wish Matthew's time in London was a little longer. Wasn't he there for like a day and now he's like best friends with Daniella?
How great to see Marcie! Love her.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Outside Views
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Summer in Llanview

Well--I haven't written much lately, but that doesn't mean alot hasn't happened!
I do like having Tea back in the mix of things. What I don't like is Todd walking around as if he's the greatest man in the world reminding Blair and Tea of how they claimed he was the love of their life. He's so smug, it annoys the heck out of me. It's amazing how Blair keeps going back to him despite their history together...she doesn't do anything for her self-esteem by going back to that man over and over again.
The storyline with Kyle and Fish is interesting--but again no surprises here. Poor Layla just can't seem to keep a boyfriend, and the one she has is gay but she doesn't know that yet. I like the character of Kyle and think he has alot of demons that could be played out. Why he wants to be a doctor, the relationship with his now dead sister, his times at Llanview U, where his family is...so much story.
I enjoy watching Kristen as Starr. She's so believable and natural in that role. Langston is a good as well, but that girl needs to eat something. She is so skinny you can barely see her from the side--it's not attractive at all. Poor Markko's Dad is so old-school he can't allow his 18 year old son to have a relationship with a girl and kicked him out of the house. I don't find that believable--but then again....niether is Stacy getting pregant from one time with Rex.
I hate watching vapid Stacy. There is nothing I like about her character at all.
I do enjoy watching Matthew and Destiny and Shaun and Rachel or Shaun with anyone. He's fun to watch. I am still waiting for more Vicki on air and whereas Ericka usually takes August off for her usual vacation---let's hope we see her before she goes!
I hope Robin Strasser DOESN'T resigns----it wouldn't be OLTL with out her!!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Same old Story
I am so tired of Todd's actions. It's such a cycle with him and how he says he does everything for his children and yet he never talks with them to see how they are feeling. He only ever talks at them--especially Starr. In the real world--Todd would have a restraining order against him for everything he has done to his daughter. He pushed her down the stairs, was going to kidnap her daughter, has made several death threats to her boyfriend. When this occurs so many times--it makes me want to just throw up my hands and say-- "AGAIN??". There are so many new stories to tell and the writers just don't see it.
Wouldn't it be great if Todd actually did make a concerted effort to change. We would all be waiting for the moment when we think he has something up his sleeve. It's just the same old, same old. I like Tea thrown into the mix ---Trevor and Florencia have wonderful chemistry together. Todd just nevers learns from his mistakes and he has no feelings or emotions.
I like the Nora/Bo/Clint angle. I just wish Bo and Nora would hurry up and get back together already. Clint has always seemed like the 3rd wheel and he seems awkward with Nora no matter what. It's just not a good idea to date her brother's ex--no matter how it came to be.
Matthew will walk again---of this I am sure. I like him and think he will have some great stories coming up.
How creepy was it that Roxy just so happens to be taking the blood out of the fridge when that nurse walked in. Please---that would never happen. Who is Rex's father?
It was nice to see Natalie (ahem..in her enhanced new look---was that just a great push-up bra and a good fit of a dress??), and Jared. They have become dull.
I was kinda hoping for a goodbye scene with Marcie and Starr---that never happened and I think it would have been nice to see Marcie explain to Starr what her future held.
Too bad Destiny got fired from the Country Club. I was bored of seeing some young rich kids being rude to the staff there anyway. It's been done. Have we forgotten Starr and Brittney a few summers again--same story different characters.
I hope Vicki has a story for the summer. Fingers crossed!!!
Wouldn't it be great if Todd actually did make a concerted effort to change. We would all be waiting for the moment when we think he has something up his sleeve. It's just the same old, same old. I like Tea thrown into the mix ---Trevor and Florencia have wonderful chemistry together. Todd just nevers learns from his mistakes and he has no feelings or emotions.
I like the Nora/Bo/Clint angle. I just wish Bo and Nora would hurry up and get back together already. Clint has always seemed like the 3rd wheel and he seems awkward with Nora no matter what. It's just not a good idea to date her brother's ex--no matter how it came to be.
Matthew will walk again---of this I am sure. I like him and think he will have some great stories coming up.
How creepy was it that Roxy just so happens to be taking the blood out of the fridge when that nurse walked in. Please---that would never happen. Who is Rex's father?
It was nice to see Natalie (ahem..in her enhanced new look---was that just a great push-up bra and a good fit of a dress??), and Jared. They have become dull.
I was kinda hoping for a goodbye scene with Marcie and Starr---that never happened and I think it would have been nice to see Marcie explain to Starr what her future held.
Too bad Destiny got fired from the Country Club. I was bored of seeing some young rich kids being rude to the staff there anyway. It's been done. Have we forgotten Starr and Brittney a few summers again--same story different characters.
I hope Vicki has a story for the summer. Fingers crossed!!!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Got behind again!
So I got behind in my viewing in then while I was trying to get caught up I never had time to post. Wow--times flies!!
Alot has happened in Llanview lately and I love how I have been anxiously awaiting each episode. It's been awhile since that has happened. I really thought Marcie was going to move away with Hope and I thought was would be sad. I knew Marcie and Michael were leaving the show and I was eager to see how. The episode that ended with them finding out Marcie was pregnant was great! Loved the music and the kids choir singing in the background--very touching!
So glad Hope is now with Starr. It will be interesting to see how Cole manages that with his prison sentence looming.
I must state firmly and emphatically that the continuuity department has been asleep on the job lately. I don't even know where to begin. The scene where Dorian crushed the glass at Marco's graduation party ended on one day and when it picked up the next day---it was different. How she broke the glas, where Langston was standing, people's reactions---it was all different.
Also--how great that Blair can wear a summer backless dress and somehow none of her scars from her life threatening stabbing show. Fantastic doctors. Shane's hair grew back too quick as well---not realistic for a minute.
I like Destiny and Matthew together, I just wish the actress would loosen up a bit and not sound so forced when she speaks.
Alot has happened in Llanview lately and I love how I have been anxiously awaiting each episode. It's been awhile since that has happened. I really thought Marcie was going to move away with Hope and I thought was would be sad. I knew Marcie and Michael were leaving the show and I was eager to see how. The episode that ended with them finding out Marcie was pregnant was great! Loved the music and the kids choir singing in the background--very touching!
So glad Hope is now with Starr. It will be interesting to see how Cole manages that with his prison sentence looming.
I must state firmly and emphatically that the continuuity department has been asleep on the job lately. I don't even know where to begin. The scene where Dorian crushed the glass at Marco's graduation party ended on one day and when it picked up the next day---it was different. How she broke the glas, where Langston was standing, people's reactions---it was all different.
Also--how great that Blair can wear a summer backless dress and somehow none of her scars from her life threatening stabbing show. Fantastic doctors. Shane's hair grew back too quick as well---not realistic for a minute.
I like Destiny and Matthew together, I just wish the actress would loosen up a bit and not sound so forced when she speaks.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
TUesday, May 19, 2009--"Power Failure"
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
I got behind in my viewing!
No comments/ posts for:
Thursday, April 30, 2009 "Don't Leave me this Way"
Friday, May 1, 2009 "Demons"
Monday, May 4, 2009 "Love Hurts"
Tuesday, May 5, 2009 "Test Patterns"
Wednesday, May 6, 2009 "Never Lose Hope"
Thursday, May 7, 2009 "The Doctor is In...Sane"
Friday, May 8, 2009 "I Wanna Be Sedated"
Monday, May 11, 2009 "The Facts of (One) Life( to Live)
Tuesday, May 12, 2009 "Stars and Strips"
Wednesday, May 13, 2009 "Driving Miss Destiny"
Thursday, May 14, 2009 ""
Friday, May 15, 2009 "The Rites and Wrongs of Spring"
Ok--haven't written in awhile, but I am now caught up in my viewing and will write more this week. The continuity dept at OLTL needs help big time. Did anyone else notice how last week Dorian had her hair up in one scene and then when she went to answer the front door it was down. When she went upstairs to talk to Starr it was up again. Later, when she went back upstairs her hair was down and she changed her clothes!!!!
Thursday, April 30, 2009 "Don't Leave me this Way"
Friday, May 1, 2009 "Demons"
Monday, May 4, 2009 "Love Hurts"
Tuesday, May 5, 2009 "Test Patterns"
Wednesday, May 6, 2009 "Never Lose Hope"
Thursday, May 7, 2009 "The Doctor is In...Sane"
Friday, May 8, 2009 "I Wanna Be Sedated"
Monday, May 11, 2009 "The Facts of (One) Life( to Live)
Tuesday, May 12, 2009 "Stars and Strips"
Wednesday, May 13, 2009 "Driving Miss Destiny"
Thursday, May 14, 2009 ""
Friday, May 15, 2009 "The Rites and Wrongs of Spring"
Ok--haven't written in awhile, but I am now caught up in my viewing and will write more this week. The continuity dept at OLTL needs help big time. Did anyone else notice how last week Dorian had her hair up in one scene and then when she went to answer the front door it was down. When she went upstairs to talk to Starr it was up again. Later, when she went back upstairs her hair was down and she changed her clothes!!!!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009 "It's all Wrong, but it's all right"

Does anyone know where Bo lives now??
Why does Fish always wear the LVPD baseball hat when he is on duty? No one else does?
Sam is too cute for words!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009 "Unplugged"
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009--"Ungentle Love"

Who else is sick of Todd fighting to get his kids back?? How many years has this been going on? It's just so old and he doesn't even care about them, they are only property to him.
Now that poor Talia is gone, does that mean her father, Carlo Hesser, will make another appearance? Why was Layla so upset at the message she left for Talia? It's not like Talia ever heard what she said as she was already murdered by that point. I can see how the writers keep pushing Christian and Layla together and I just don't buy it..do you?
Yay!! R.J. is back!! Which reminded me--where did Hank go to?
So crazy Lola ratted out Cole--no surprise there. Why is she still living at Dorian's? How many people are there now?
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009--"Aziza"

John is in jail...again. Here's a thought--maybe the Mayor is the killer?!? With Tea as his lawyer I'm sure he will be out soon.
I thought it was weird Cole didn't even flinch when Rachel said she was Matt's brother. Maybe he knew already? Is Cole's rehab a residential one?
It's convenient Addie and the boys were away...again when there was a murder at Dorian's house.
Lola is wacky---and needs to go away.
I like how Tea changed her hair going upstairs from John's cell to talk with Nora....also how Todd must have shaved on his drive across town. I hate that I notice these things! :-)
Monday, April 20, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009--"Officer Down"

Why would John touch and handle the ring on her finger? Even though it was in water, I'm sure some sort of fingerprint could have been lifted from it. How did they know it was Zach's ring?? Didn't everyone in the KAD frat get a ring? Obviously Fish or someone is setting John up.
Charlie had a great point about being more involved in Jessica's life than Clint was. It was so nice to see Vicki back in some scenes. Where is she going to go this summer for her vacation like she takes every year. She's hardly on screen now! I felt bad for Charlie talking about how he feels like he's not home.
I like the fact that I'm intrigued by this killer storyline. It keeps me very involved and not bored.
I also hope the payoff for Rex finding out about Stacy is worth it. Perhaps the KAD killer might claim her?
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009-- "Sleeps with the Fishes"
Thursday, April 16, 2009--"Renouncing Satan...or Not"

Tea needs to get out more--meet some non psycho men and have a normal relationship. Why is she pining away for Todd?
That whole finding the KAD killer's knife happened very fast didn't it? All of a sudden they had it bagged with a quick summary of how they got it. Under the floorboards?? Really? That's all you got? Why is John a special consultant? They don't have enough cops to do the work?
Where o where is Andrew for Chloe's baptism?? Bring him back for these scenes!!
More loud conversation in a cemetery when people are talking to those that are buried. They always seem startled and say "Oh did you hear me?" Well--gee you are talking out loud to no one so yup-- I guess people walking by would hear what you said.
Natalie seems to have done such a big turnaround that I really don't buy it. Jared doesn't have any storyline anymore besides being Natalies' sidekick and telling her what she wants to hear.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009-- "Good cop, John Cop"
Tuesday, April 14, 2009-- "Ready, Aim, Liar"
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009--" Past, Present Tense"

Can someone please cut Gigi's bangs? Honestly, she spends more time pushing them out of her eyes than necessary. It's totally distracting!
So John can hoist himself up through the air duct with nothing to stand on? Incredible upper body strength. Todd's reaction when John burst through the room from the bathroom was devoid of any acting and emotion. This is really starting to annoy me the more I notice it.
Why do people always have to burn or destroy evidence of something they can never replace? Why couldn't Jared and Natalie just put the document relating to Jessica in a safety deposit box? And why do people always manage to find an empty trash can to burn things in? Mine is always full---and we use trash bag liners.
Roxy is still in her hat wearing phase. Fun.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009--" Payback is a #@!&*"
Monday, April 13, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009--" El corazon desea lo que desea"
Wednesday, April 8, 2009--"Teach your Children Well"

Ok--so now I'm thinking Starr is sounding a little desperate. However, she is her mother's daughter. I liked how Mr. J didn't know how to react to her letter. I wish Langston would have tried a little harder to talk and reason with Starr.
Jack is picking up bad habits from Todd. Let's hope they don't age him anytime soon.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009-- "Thrill me to the Marrow"
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Friday, April 3, 2009-- "Stacy's Turn"

I feel bad for Rex about Gigi. I still don't know why she couldn't tell him and Rex and her could pretend they broke up. Too easy I guess.
Do you think newspapers still do a gigantic markup of the day's newspaper?? I don't think so--not with all the computer editing now. How strange for Todd to whip that out.
Starr has certainly grown up huh? Interesting to see where this goes.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
April 2, 2009-- "Elephants"

Well due to the fact that President Obama was in London, I missed the first 30 minutes of today's show. This annoys me people!!!! I watch the news daily and even check it occasionally on the Internet when I am at work. I record my soap opera because I want to WATCH IT!!!! I am smart enough to know where to find news coverage of an event if I need to see it. With today's access to information, there is no need to interrupt--or I believe the correct term the networks like to use is preempt-- my show!! I get angry and annoyed at this. When I find time at the end of my day to unwind and relax, I like to escape to Llanivew. Please don't interrupt my show during the day with news. Primetime shows are never interrupted for news. Not fair. Thank goodness for soapnet is all I have to say!
On to the show.....So Zach is back. How would he recognize Todd?? Todd got a face makeover remember?? I guess he could have read it in the newspaper or something but it seemed weird.
Thank goodness Brody finally told Stacy what everyone watching the show is thinking. She really didn't show any emotion though even then.
I enjoyed the scenes with Jess and Marty. Their characters used to be good friends and I think they could really use each other now.
I'm just really not sure what to make of the whole Christian and Layla thing. My guess is they will pair up and leave the show. Neither character has any story left. I hear rumors of Talia becoming a victim of the killer too by the way---which means everyone Layla had connections to will be gone.
The singer today was good--too bad I had never heard of her.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
April 1, 2009-- "Homecomings"

Loved Dorian's look in the opening scenes. Her hair was very big and puffy-but she looked great!
YAY!!! Hank is back! Today's episode seemed disjointed somehow from where Tuesdays episode left off. It's always great to move ahead in time but I wasn't sure how many days had gone by and then poof--Hank is there! There was no mention of him returning on the show among the characters. However he got there--I'm glad--I always liked Hank.
How awesome were Jack's comments about John spending all his money on beer and black clothes. I laughed out loud at that!
Did anyone else notice the photo behind Dorian in the living room? It was a picture of Blair from one of her weddings to Todd. However, Todd was removed and Addie I think was now in Todd's place. Very weird. I'm sure that was the same picture/pose.
Todd just doesn't learn his lesson does he? How convenient to have a hitman on your speed dial. I enjoy the charcter of Jackie McNaughton, but why and how does Todd think he is going to kill John. His character doesn't grow or change and I really don't like watching him anymore.
My daily question again--where is Mo and Noelle? Who now owns Dorian's house?
How sad that Clint can't realize what Nora is going through and give some space. Rather selfish of him to expect her to be spending time with him when her son was just paralyzed.
What are we supposed to take away from that very awkward situation between Fish and Kyle?? Umm----were they in a relationship in college?
How exciting to see Zach return--again very out of the blue though.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
March 31, 2009-- "Lay Lady Lie"

When Rex came to Brody's door and was hollering Gigi's name, why didn't Gigi and Brody make some sort of comment if they were pretending to convince Rex of what they were doing. NO they just acted like they didn't hear anything. The same when Jessica was outside of Brody's door having a conversation with Brody. I want some of those soundproof doors--that must be great. Did you like the part when Gigi told Rex how the medical lab called (they didn't really) and gave out CONFIDENTIAL LAB RESULTS over the phone. Has anyone ever heard of legal requirements and patient privacy?? Not realistic at all.
Stacy once again proves that she has no heart by telling Shane without his Mom or Dad there that his bone marrow donor fell through. That was so tactful don't you think? She has no feelings for anyone but herself and it's cruel to watch how she treats Shane's life with such callous disregard.
The scene today between Blair and Starr in the hospital reminded me again of how much Starr has learned from her mother--and not all of it is a good example, especially when it comes to men. Starr shouldn't have to chase after anyone and her mother shouldn't tell her to pursue that, even though she didn't know the fact that Starr is chasing her teacher.
Do you think Cole will graduate this spring from Llanview High? How did Starr get to be 17 by the way?
Not sure why they are playing up the whole Layla and Christian thing, but I think we all know where this is headed. They hate each other now, but will fall madly in love during sweeps and Layla will feel guilty because of her sister.
Loved the scenes between Marty and John, but whereas the romance between them was played out such a long time ago and when Marty was played by a different actress, I didn't really buy the relationship anyway.
Just a random thought here too (all my thoughts are random!) John needs to wear colors--that's all I'm gonna say. His character has become too gloomy and dark. Put the man in a bright shirt for once. I have had it with the dark clothes he wears all the time.
How does Gigi manage to cry so heavily with no tears and puffiness? Great trick.
I've said it before but I will say it again---I like Schuyler. Great actor and character.
March 30, 2009--"Three on a Match"

I know the writers are trying to create a character that we will all despise. Mission accomplished. Stacy has no redeeming qualities. How can she look at her nephew, her flesh and blood and gamble with his life like that? I was glad to see Brody suggest to Gigi that she just tell Rex what Stacy was demanding ( I blogged about that earlier!), but I wasn't happy with her response. It wasn't convincing enough for me.
I want more from Todd--actually I guess from Trevor St. John the fine actor who plays Todd. I'm just not feeling any emotion from him lately and it has made the character dull. I will mention here several times, Roger Howarth played this character better than anyone else could. Imagine the courtroom scenes today if he were doing it. Todd just sat there looking smug the whole time. His expression never changes!!! His threats to Blair and John were unconvincing as well because his voice has no emotion. What's going on with him lately?
I think I could like Dorian with Ray. Which makes me automatically wonder where is Vicki and Charlie. Why for the love of all that is holy, can't this soap create a power couple?? I was hoping Rex and Gigi were headed in this direction, but along came Stacy. What about Vicki and Charlie?? Where's the romance? Those two have a wonderful relationship that is endearing. They need more screen time and I am afraid their lack of it doesn't mean good things for the actors..
Was glad to see John step up to the plate and marry Blair for her children's sake. Does anyone remember how he couldn't commit to Natalie because all he could think of was Caitlin? Good story then I guess. She never gets a mention now.
Liked how Marty mentioned to Jessica that if she really was integrated wouldn't she remember everything about her alters? Jess glossed over that rather quickly. I hear rumors of some returns to the show--can't wait for Hank. Does this mean R.J. is around? Time will tell.
Monday, March 30, 2009
March 27, 2009--"Bad to the Bone"

Loved the old yearbook photos of Stacy (were those glasses photo-shopped in?) I think they were. It looked like it anyway.
How exciting the Andrew may make an appearance for Chloe's baptism! I miss Andrew and think he should be back more often. There is a good wealth of story possibilities there with Marty back in town. How long do you think Natalie and Jared can hold out and not tell Jessica the truth?? They should be planning their wedding, but I guess harboring a secret about a baby switch gets in the way a bit.
Where's Mo and Noelle? That story about who owns the house needs to get cleared up. There's too many people living there now anyway in Dorian's home.
John being married to Blair is a great story. It serves Todd right as that is exactly what he did to Blair years ago when he married Tea for the same reason. John with Sam at the beginning was too cute. Sam is adorable!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
March 26, 2009-- "Make Me a Match"

Do you think soap characters know that they can pray anywhere and not just out loud and in public? I wonder. First Gigi has a monologue where she is talking with God and her sister overhears what she says. Roxy is soon to follow with her pleas to God. What I love is that people always pray outloud speaking things they hope no one evers hears. Wonderful logic. Makes for better drama though if you can plead with God out loud and not just in your head.
Who likes Schulyer? I really do!! He's a great character and easy on the eyes. He's young enough to fit in with Starr and her friends and yet old enough to fit in with Gigi and Stacy too. There's potential for alot of story with this character. Once the kids move on to Llanview University--I could see Schuyler following them as an Assistant Professor or something.
I have to know why Roxy has been wearing backwards baseball hats lately. What's up with that?
I like how Cole's drug dealer friend brings drugs to his arraignment and Cole actually takes them. Where is his extreme guilt over what he did to Matthew? My sympathy for him faded once he did that. Plus, he also took some in the hospital. Not good.
Starr is most definitely her mother's daughter when it comes to boys/men. Who can blame her for thinking that there is something between her and Schuyler? Like Blair, she will probably do what she has to, to win him over, especially if like her mother, she is trying to forget the stress in her life right now. Kristen Alderson is a wonderful young actress and a pleasure to watch.
How awesome was Gigi's closing statement on today's episode?? I loved it!!! What a way to tell her sister off. We'll see what the future holds for her needing her sister's bone marrow.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
March 25, 2009--"Do the Right Thing"

Do you think Jamie really drew that picture she gave Antonio?? Every time I see kids draw pictures on shows, it never looks like a child drew it and then all I can imagine is some intern at a network being assigned the job of drawing a picture as a child would. I don't know--pretty random thought anyway.
Antonio, Antonio...I can't believe he's leaving. I know Kamar feels there really isn't a story for him right now and sad to say--I agree. I wish they would stop introducing new characters and make better use of the ones there who have so much history. Remember when Antonio was in a gang?? Those were riveting stories. As a cop--he just never seemed to fit that role. FBI work? --maybe.
I realize now that Austin Williams who plays Shane didn't really shave his hair for the role. I wasn't sure at first because it did look so real when Rex (John Paul) did. As I saw today--the cap he wore on his head to make it look like he was bald moved when he moved his face. I could still be wrong though.
Who wants to see BO and Nora together once and for all?? I do, I do!!! Clint just seems so out of place here, like a 3rd wheel.
I like Destiny and think it will be fun to see what her relationship with Matthew will go. Whether they "date" or remain friends--I think she will help Matthew go through his ordeal of not walking again.
My burning question though is where the heck is Dr. Larry? Remember him?? Is Michael the only doctor there at the hospital? Please. In any event, Blair woke up which was great ( and quick as usual in soap opera land). There should have been some reference though to Kelly, Cassie and Adriana--aren't they all family?? Someone should have called them and some name dropping would have helped.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
March 24, 2009--"Spring Awakenings"

I just love the DNA lab at Llanview Hospital. It's so secure and organized. They never leave HUNDREDS of personal medical files lying about in piles on the main info desk there. Seriously, why is it that every time someone walks into the DNA lab, it's the same lab guy working and he willingly walks away to check on things leaving the computer and the files there for anyone to look at. Most of the time when you go to a real lab or doctor's office the staff is behind a glassed closed in partition/office. It's just ridiculous to think that someone's personal files are there for anyone to see. Very non-realistic--I hate that. Speaking of non realism (is that a word?), I don't like it when the actors seem like they live in a bubble--there's never any mention of real life events or daily activities. Except when ABC is promoting the Oscars--then Rex will have a viewing party or something. That's helpful.
So what happened on today's show? (check the daily recaps btw in my links!), Stacy tried to blackmail Gigi into giving up Rex for Shane's bone marrow. Evil person. What I don't get is why doesn't Gigi just say," Sure--I will do that in a heartbeat to save my son". She then should tell Rex what happened and pretend to give him up. If Rex is in on it it would be better dontcha think?? After Shane gets better they go back to how they were and leave the evil Stacy out in the cold.
It was great to see Vicki back. I really REALLY hope those rumors of her leaving are false. Vicki is One Life to Live!!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
March 23, 2009--" The Little Match Girl"

Two words for you Stacy--MOVE ON!! Wow--so are we to believe that after like 11 years Miss Stacy has not been able to get over her first crush at the tender age of 13 or 14 years old?? I don't think so. Clearly, she needs some sort of professional help in that department. That's what makes this story so dull. It's been done before. "I will do this nice thing for you Gigi, but you need to walk away from the man you love because I love him too and will have him as mine". I was so hoping the writers were going to come out stronger than this. Having Gigi rob a bank to give her sister money would be more dramatic than this. I don't like the character of Stacy to begin with though. I knew where this was going and was so hoping they would get lost on the way....
Can I just say how cute the little boy who plays Sam is? Adorable and what a great personality on that kid! Always smiling.
Those of you who have followed this show for awhile remember the rape storyline that Marty refers to when she spoke of the frat house KAD. I am hoping the serial killer is Powell. Remember him?? I think he was Todd's cousin or something too. What a great blast from the past that would be. Of course, in my eyes, it would only be better if Roger Howarth were playing Todd again. Trevor does a good job, but his acting lacks emotion. I can never tell if he is playing the character that way or he truly is bored with the writing. He deadpans everything. Roger played every emotion like you it was meant to be. He had this way of crying out of sadness, anger and hope all at the same time. Trevor is just emotionless and I'm not sure I really like it.
Kudos to "Rex" and "Shane" for actually shaving their hair off for the show. That's dedication for you! I think that's the very least all the big CEO's should do for all the money they are making in our failing economy. Somehow I don't think they are as dedicated to their jobs though.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Here it is:

Ok--So I said to my husband the other day, "I think I need to start a blog about One Life to Live". He laughed and asked when I would find the time to do that. I'm not sure but I did find some time to start one today. I love this soap opera and find that I love to say what's on my mind about the characters, the stories and the acting. My husband couldn't really care about what's happening in Llanview--but I do and I hope you will too. My attempt is to blog daily about what I notice on the show and see what you think. Enjoy!
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